Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Beat the Looming Inflation Tsunami (Money Morning)

[Editor's Note: He predicted the financial crisis and the bull markets in gold and silver, and he "called" the bear-market bottom. Now Money Morning's Martin Hutchinson is sounding the inflation alarm - and has identified the one move investors can make to beat the looming inflation tsunami.]

Inflation is coming our way. Make no mistake about it. 

This insidious increase in the general level of prices is currently rattling around in the world's emerging markets - causing China and Brazil to put up interest rates and India to try and suppress it with price controls. It's beginning to appear in Britain, which had a similar crash to the United States, but where the currency has been somewhat weaker.

Within the next six months - while the U.S. Federal Reserve is still buying U.S. Treasury bonds under its "quantitative easing" policy - this inflation tsunami will hit the United States.


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